On 12 January 2017, Erik Gartzke gave a talk at the Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure Summit at Texas A &M University
On 25 August, 2016, Jon Lindsay and Erik Gartzke discussed the importance of cyber infrastructure in their paper.
Erik Gartzke was interviewed by the San Diego Union Tribune to discuss the recent actions of Iranian patrol boats
Summary of the participants in each panel, the discussion questions, the main takeaways, and a conclusion from the workshop.
The CDD Research Team hosted a workshop entitled "A Preliminary Assessment of Cross Domain Deterrence.” The workshop was held at the Elliot School of International Affairs of The George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
Jon Lindsay presented on CDD and cybersecurity for the Defence Engagement Program in Ottawa on June 10, 2016. (Agenda)
Erik Gartzke’s presentation on “Extended Deterrence” on September 17, 2015 at UCSD
Erik Gartzke & Jon Lindsay presented the CDD Project Overview at the 2015 Minerva Meeting and Program Review on September 9, 2015.
This project overview was presented at Duke University on July 16, 2015, by Dr. Jon Lindsay.
Cross Domain Deterrence Workshop: July 16, 2014 in La Jolla, CA
Shannon Carcelli presented her paper on military intervention entitled “Just War or Just Politics?
The Determinants of Foreign Military Intervention”, on 11/24/2015 during a UCSD lab meeting.